Those interested in volunteering in Bloomington, Illinois

You have the potential to make an impact on your community as a person who has unique abilities. Volunteering is one of your best options to make a difference.

Volunteering is a great way to use your skills and talents to help those in greatest need. Your efforts can have a profound impact, regardless of whether you are building a new playground or teaching reading to children.

Volunteering is one of the best ways to meet new people and make new friends. As we all know, friends are vital to any group. So, if you want to use your skills for good, there's no better way than to volunteer. It is one of your best options to improve your community.

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit group that helps low-income families by building them cheap homes. The Bloomington, IL ReStore is a donation center and home improvement store that sells new and gently used furniture, appliances, cabinets, home accessories, building (blog) materials, and more at low prices.

Habitat for Humanity of McLean County invests the ReStore proceeds to help it fulfill its mission of eliminating low housing conditions in McLean County.

There is a position available for you at the Bloomington ReStore regardless of the skills or hobbies that you possess! Joining our team would be a dream come true for us, whether you like working with your hands, engaging in conversation with clients, or putting your skills in the areas of design or marketing to good use. Additionally, there is no time limit. You can attend as many times per month or weekly as you wish. Habitat for Humanity strives to provide affordable and safe housing for everyone who needs it.

Visit us today to learn how you can make an impact. It'll be great to see again!

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